Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods

Supreme Ruler 1936 and later (1936, Ultimate, and Great War) offer a great deal of moddability. As information is made available attempts will be made to catalogue it here.

File information: Name: Size: Date: Desc: 243.76 MB 2011-04-27 Supreme Ruler 2020 patch 6.8.1 for Gold Edition.

SR1936, Ultimate and Great War are built on the same engine structure making data files compatible with each, however the file structure is slightly different:

Browse and play mods created for Supreme Ruler 2020 at Mod DB. Hello guest register or sign in. Mods - Supreme Ruler 2020. Supreme Ruler 2020 is a grand strategy. Get Supreme Ruler 2020 trainer and cheats for PC. Get more out of Supreme Ruler 2020 and enhance your gaming experience. Download Supreme Ruler 2020 patch for Windows to update your copy of Supreme Ruler 2010 to version 6.7.63. Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold contains Supreme Ruler 2020 and the expansion, Global Crisis: SUPREME RULER 2020 Overnight, the US dollar crashes AND the sound echoes across the globe. The economic crisis amplifies global instabilities and regional disputes, tearing the world asunder.

  • /Custom Folder for Supreme Ruler 1936 is in the root directory
  • /Custom Folder for Supreme Ruler Ultimate is in /Scenario
  • Scenarios in Supreme Ruler Ultimate are separated in to subfolders within /Scenario
  • Some Modding tools (Map Editor, Scenario Creator & Asset Manager) are specifically designed for Supreme Ruler Ultimate.
What Mods Exist?[edit | edit source]

Mods are listed on

Where Can I Download Existing Mods?[edit | edit source]

Traditionally Mods have been distributed directly by the modders, most doing so through the Modding section on .

Starting with Supreme Ruler Ultimate version 9.1.286+ (March 2020 Update), Mods can also be distributed through Steam Workshop.

Where Can I Get the Tools?[edit | edit source]

If you own Supreme Ruler Ultimate you can get the tools directly from the tools section of your Steam library.

If you do not own Supreme Ruler Ultimate, but still would like to mod the SR game you own, you can download the tools here: (Keep in mind this won't be updated as often as the Steam version. So to get the most up to date tools, download them from Steam)

Supreme Ruler Ultimate Wiki

What Can I Do?[edit | edit source]

With the release of Supreme Ruler Ultimate Update 9.1.76, new modding tools - the Map Editor, Scenario Creator & Asset Manager - have been released, making it easier to modify and create the data files used by the game engine. Additionally, most data files can be edited in plain text.

Take a look at a walkthrough for the new Scenario Creator/Map Editor:


Here are some of the areas players can modify:

  • Mod Unit 3D Meshes
    • DEFAULT.PICNUMS definition file

Data files:

  • News/Email Data

Equipment Data (Units and Facilities)

Other Information:

New Mod features introduced in March 2020 Update[edit | edit source]

With the introduction of Steam Workshop, the SRU engine has had additional Mod Support added, including:

  • All Scenarios/Campaigns/Scenarios can now include overrides of core game elements (graphics, meshes, etc)
    • A game called SAMPLE.Scenario will now first try to load game elements from subfolder SAMPLExxx, ie SAMPLEGraphics, SAMPLESounds, etc
    • There is a priority sequence of loading content - check out Steam Workshop page for more details on content load priorities
  • More engine elements can now be modded - see WMData section for details.
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Cheats for all editions (SR2010, SR2020 and SR-CW, SR1936, SRUltimate, SRGW).[edit | edit source]


Cheats are allowed only in single-player mode.

Cheats are activated during an active game session. For Supreme Ruler 2010 start by pressing the 'Enter' key.

For all other games press the CTRL+SHIFT+S key combination. This will cause a game settings dialog box to appear. Type 'cheat allowcheats' into the bottom text box followed by the 'Enter' key.

The following cheat codes are supported (quotation marks not used):

  • 'cheat allowcheats' Causes the SR cheat mode to be activated. In SR2020 a taunting red message will appear at the top of the dialog box if you have successfully turned on cheats. Cheat mode cannot be exited except by quitting the game session.

A particular cheat can be toggled on and off by repeatedly typing the same cheat code.

  • 'cheat shelovesmenot' Causes the World Market or the U.N. to have 0% relations with you. In SR2020 your U.N. membership may be lost.
  • 'cheat fullmapshow'. Hides the GUI for full map screenshots. (not a properly usable feature in SR2020 due to how the map is drawn above the bottom GUI)
  • 'cheat maxsat' Launches new Reconnaissance and Communications satellites without requiring that the player fabricate them.
  • 'cheat endday' Removes many computer calculations normally performed by each of the many units in the game. This makes the game go much faster. Many automatic but CPU time-consuming game tasks required to support each unit in the game are turned off, which speeds up the game up massively. For example - every unit performs 'spotting' where each unit analyzes all of it's surrounding hexes. Each unit then compares its own spotting strength to the stealth strength of all other units found surrounding it. Unit spotting, pathing, movement, firing, refueling and re-supplying, etc. - all of these computations are turned off. Moving units are stopped until the cheat is turned off. Unit fabrication stops.

Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods 2017

The game clock clicks off one day every second. Research stops but Treasury, Production, trade and facility building continue.

  • 'cheat georgew' Adds $10 billion to your treasury.
  • 'cheat satellite' Sends up a new Reconnaissance satellite.
  • 'cheat instantwin' Wins the game. Allows you to continue playing if you wish.
  • 'cheat allunit' Allows you to build all units whether you have researched them or not. Allows the AI's of the other regions to do this too.
  • 'cheat onedaybuild' Causes all units that you order to be fabricated after this cheat is initiated, to be built the next day. Unfortunately the AI can and will do this too, which can slow the game a lot. This does not speed up the construction of bases or fabs. SR2010 only: Your AI can not use this cheat if it's 'Auto-build' setting for that unit class is turned off. You can press the Ctrl-H key combination to switch region control and turn that regions's auto-build off, once cheats have been enabled.

Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods Download

  • 'cheat finalexam' Causes your Tech level to increase by one.

New Cheats in SR2020[edit | edit source]

  • 'cheat e=mc2' Causes all of your Research to complete in one day and your spy espionage success rate to increase. You are immediately charged for the cost of the instant research.

New Cheats in current SR2020 Update 5 and Global Crisis:[edit | edit source]

  • 'cheat saddam' Causes a random region's AI to declare war on another random region.
  • 'cheat saddamme' Causes a random region's AI to declare war on the player.
  • 'cheat eventnow' Certain random events will occur more frequently (primarly in the Global Crisis expansion version).
  • 'cheat breakground' Causes facilities to be completed in one day. You only pay for one day's construction and supply the industrial goods. If you are short on IG or cash, completion is delayed until you have enough. Does not work for roads.

New Cheats SR2020 Update 6 and Gold Edition:[edit | edit source]

  • 'cheat moreoffers' Causes you to receive frequent product and unit trade offers from other regions and from Nigerian spammers.

New Cheats in SR Cold War[edit | edit source]

  • 'cheat nomove' Causes units to not receive orders or move.

New Cheats in SR 1936[edit | edit source]

  • 'cheat blueskies' Resets weather patterns and ground conditions
  • 'cheat georgeww' Adds $100 billion to your treasury. (because sometimes $10B is just not enough)

New Cheats in SR Ultimate (Version 9.1 or higher) and SR Great War[edit | edit source]

  • 'cheat trumpme' Adds or Subtracts $1 Trillion to your treasury. For when $100 billion isn't enough, and you want to roll the dice in a Trump Casino.
  • 'cheat worldwar' Every region declares war on every region
  • 'cheat peace' Every region declares peace on every region

New Cheats in Galactic Ruler[edit | edit source]

Supreme ruler 2020 gold mods

Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods 1.7.10

  • 'cheat voyager' Make all races status 'discovered'
  • 'cheat enterprise' Make all races status 'known'
  • 'cheat q' Mark all systems and planets as 'explored'
  • 'cheat adama' Remove FTL range limit and cooldown timer
  • 'cheat warp9' All unit move speeds x3

Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods For Sale

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