Minecraft Note Block Studio Mac Download

Minecraft note block studio mac download full

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/68zw7uelw3ebvzx/wait.nbs/file. For the open sourced version, see Open Minecraft Note Block Studio Website? Java Edition 1.2.4: Yes Game Maker (GML) David 'Davve' Norgren: Open Minecraft Note Block Studio. Lets you compose Note block music that you later can import into Minecraft using.schematic files. You can also import music from MIDI songs and edit songs already made in. NoteBlockStudio is a program with which you can generate songs in Minecraft as block structures! Request a Song Here.

Minecraft note block music maker
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David Norgren, HielkeMinecraft

Written in

EnglishGameMaker: Studio

Latest version

3.3.4 (Original)
3.8.0 (Continuation)


(version 3.3.4: 2018-01-31)
(version 3.8.0: 2020-07-02)


Installer: 8 MB
Installed program: 17 MB



Source available


Compatible with

Java Edition 1.12 - Java Edition 1.13.2 (Original)
Java Edition 1.14 and higher (Continuation)


The Minecraft Note Block Studio is a fan-made, external music editor for Minecraft. With it, users can compose complex note block songs without redstone knowledge, though some minor musical instrument knowledge is required. In the software, the range of the note blocks can go far beyond the 2 octaves allowed in Minecraft and custom instruments may be added from sound files. In January 2019, the program was discontinued by David Norgen, however, in the webpage, he mentioned an open-source continuation made by HielkeMinecraft.

The program supports MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), both from input files (.mid files) and from connected electronic keyboards. Songs can be exported into .mp3 files and converted into data packs that can be used to play them in the game, and also .schematic files, that can be imported into a Minecraft world using MCEdit.

Minecraft Note Block Studio Mac Download Version

MIDI file compatibility[edit]

Green cells = Compatible
Yellow cells = Partially compatible
Orange cells = Very restricted compatibility

MIDI file formatChannel modesDrum kit layout
GM (1991)10 = drums
1-9, 11-16 = normal
GS (1991)10 = drums
1-9, 11-16 = normal
47(GM) + 14
XG (1994)10 = drums
1-9, 11-16 = choice
47(GM) + 22 different from GS
GM2 (1999)10, 11 = drums
1-9, 12-16 = normal
47(GM) + 14 same as GS
MT-32 (1987)10 = drums
2-9 = normal
34 from GM + 33 from GS sound effect kit

MIDI import problems:

The Minecraft Note Block Studio

  • Tempo changes aren't supported. If a tempo is supposed to change in the middle of a song, the tempo will remain the same, resulting in the song becoming faster or slower.
  • Time signature changes aren't supported. This can cause problems in a large amount of XG MIDI files that have their loading data in the first measure, but the first measure has a time signature different than the rest of the measures.
  • The way MIDI files are read have a few issues, F#5 from MIDI is being treathen wrong and requires manually to shift it one octave up.

Minecraft Note Block Studio Apk

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