Bushmaster Serial Number Year



  1. Ruger American Rifle® Serial Number History Ruger American Rifle® Caliber: 5.56 NATO, 223 Rem, 22-250 Rem, 243 Win, 270 Win, 7mm-08 Rem, 300 BLK, 30-06 Sprg, 308 Win, 6mm Creedmoor, 7mm Rem Mag, 7.62x39, 300 Win Mag, 450 Bushmaster Beginning Serial Number: Years of Production: 690- 690- 692- 693- 694- 696- The above chart shows the approximate first serial number shipped for the indicated year.
  2. Bushmaster Preban Serial Number I talked to Bushmaster and the date of manufacture was 3/11/94. The assult weapons law was passed on September 13, 1994. So the gun is actually a pre-ban weapon.

PRE BAN AR 15 information is very valuable to shooters in states that maintain an ASSAULT WEAPON BAN. While I dont normally advocate borrowing content from other websites I feel this information is invaluable and needs to be protected, duplicated and shared for the greater good of the shooting community.


If anyone has more information and links please post them at the bottom and I will update the list. If you have a lower of from one of the lesser known brands and have managed to verify the date to the serial number please add your info to the comments and I will add it to the master list.


What does my serial number have to do with a PRE BAN AR 15?

Q: What does my serial number mean?


A: Nothing is more frustrating than to know little or nothing about the firearm you own or are about to buy. Use the information in this page to help determine when your Olympic Arms AR 15 was produced. Please read all of the details on this page because there are many questions answered in the following paragraphs.

As many of you already know, on the 7th of June, 2000, Olympic Arms experienced a devastating fire that destroyed our sales offices. In those offices were housed our current as well as archival records with regards to manufacture, acquisition and distribution of firearms. The books that we, as well as all federally licensed firearms dealers are required to keep are commonly known as “Bound Books”, or “A&D” (acquisition & distribution) books.

These books, over 25 years of Olympic Arms history and data, were completely destroyed in that fire. All A& D book records prior to the 7th of June, 2000 are GONE. Period. This is an unfortunate situation that severely limits our ability to provide product information for any and all AR-15 lower receivers and/or complete guns manufactured prior to that date. As a result all that we can provide is what you see below, a date “range” in which your serial number was manufactured.

We CANNOT provide you with the date the serial number was shipped, we CANNOT provide you with information determining whether a particular serial number was a factory assembled firearm, and most importantly, we CANNOT determine whether or not your particular serial number is a legal grandfathered pre-ban firearm.

Many people and organizations have been critical of Olympic Arms for not securing a copy of these records elsewhere, or keeping an electronic file of this data as an emergency back up. If you’d like to read why this decision was made, please read the article in the About Us section titled “Pre-fire Bound Books”. Remember that Olympic Arms fully complied, and still does, with ATF regulations regarding A&D books.

Below you will see a list of serial numbers. At Olympic, we group our serial numbered lowers into “ranges”. If you’ll notice, all the serial number ranges have a letter prefix but one. The initial receivers made by Olympic Arms simply contain a 4 digit serial number, no letter prefix. Each subsequent serial number range (either beginning with 0001, or 1001) will show a 1 or 2 letter prefix.

Additionally, you will see several lines for serial numbers that begin with the same letter(s) prefix. These prefix series are divided by a date range to their right. These date ranges are the beginning and ending dates of the physical paper ledgers in which those numbers were recorded. In other words, the ledger books were not large enough to contain all of the numbers (0001-9999), in one book. For that reason, there is a beginning date and end date for each ledger. That is what you see below.

Match your receiver up with the letter prefixes on the chart below. Each line is separated into 5 columns.

Column 1: The serial number itself (including prefix).

Column 2: The beginning serial number in that book.

Column 3: The beginning date for that book. If there is only one date listed after the serial numbers in column 2 and/or 2, all of those numbers were manufactured on that same day.

Column 4: End date for that book.

Column 5: Comments regarding that range of serial numbers. The comments as listed would apply to all of the serial numbers with the prefix listed to the left.

SN Range1st DateEnd DateSpecial Notes
1000884503/14/7906/04/82Cut from aluminum bar stock. Most were made for other manufacturers such as Palmetto Armory.
V0001V071612/02/198610/01/1987These receivers were manufactured
for Bushmaster. While all of these
are for BM, there were more.
NAMV1NAMV10003/20/198508/28/1986These were limited edition Vietnam War Commemoratives.
USMC1USMC32001/21/198604/05/1993Limited Edition US Marine Corp Commemoratives
E1001E209909/01/199104/24/1997 ?
E2100E229004/24/199703/08/1990 ?
TBOR1791TBOR199119911991These receivers are made from Beryllium copper.
CIA0001CIA340210/28/199607/14/1997These receivers were made under contract with Century International Arms. These are NOT Olympic Arms firearms, are post ban and not supported by Olympic Arms.
SGW0001SGW104502/15/200004/10/2001All SGW receivers are CAST receivers, and sold stripped, or as “Plinker” Rifles only.
MX1001CURRENTThese receivers are match-grade quality Maxhard® treated Aluminum forged receivers.
BT0001BT185305/24/200201/20/2003Series named after long time employee Bill Thrall. Thanks for your service Bill!
M0001M019802/20/20020304/01/2002Series Stopped because of CNC change.
LP0001LP057705/02/200102/19/2004OA-98 Pistols only
SM0001SM999901/30/200310/2005Series names after Oly CNC programmer Steve Melby. Thanks for your service Steve!
TB0001TB999910/20054/2007Series named after long time employee Tim Butterfield. Thanks for your service Tim!
JF0001JF99996/20089/2009Series named after long time employee John Fischer. Thanks for your service John!
WZ0001WZ56862/2009CurrentSeries named after long time employee Walt Dziadyk. Thanks for your service Walt!
CH0001CH65759/2009CurrentSeries named after long time employee Chris Holeman. Thanks for your service Chris!


The folks over at AR15. com have compiled the list below

Disclaimer: This list is correct to the best of my knowledge, however, I accept absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or for the consequences and/or damages occurring from any inaccuracies. I have compiled this list for the purposes of sharing information only. This is not intended to be used in any way except for personal entertainment. It is a compilation of both personal information and information submitted from others from the Internet. ALL SERIAL NUMBERS SHOULD BE VERIFIED FROM THE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ANY PURCHASE OR ASSEMBLY. It should be noted that it is a felony to possess a Post-Ban (newly assembled after Sept 13, 1994) assault weapon.

If any information presented here is found to be incorrect or you have additional information to contribute, please contact me via E-Mail (hkusp40@midmaine.com) and I will update and re-issue the list.

Note: All items marked with a single asterisk (*) are taken from http://home1.gte.net/bblakley/ban/index.htm. The year/serial numbers under Colt SP series was forwarded to me by an individual whose return address I no longer have. Double asterisk (**) under Bushmaster, a person on the internet e-mailed me that he had a lower that was shipped stripped (thus not a complete rifle) in 1991 from Bushmaster with serial #0327XX – ALWAYS CALL TO VERIFY.

Advanced Armaments

No information – Apparently machined from bar stock aluminum, lowers are marked as M-15.

American Spirit Arms (Formerly “Sun Valley Traders”)

ALL lowers are Post Ban AR 15. Began introduction of lowers and rifles in mid/late 1998. Noted as having good fit & finish. Also, reported to be manufactured by Lewis Machine & Tool (LMT).

Armalite | Eagle Arms

Slightly over S/N 30,000 was the Pre Ban AR 15 cut-off, call to verify.* (Some Eagle lowers below the 30,000 range were determined to be POST BAN AR 15 by BATFE – call to verify) Armalite sells Eagle lowers, but sells factory complete rifles with Armalite lowers.


Made stainless steel lowers, rumored to have also made AR-15 pistols. Lower marked M16-SA. This is NOT verifiable info as it came from the Internet. Out of Business.


Below L051000 – Assembled Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles and some pre-94 lowers.**
L051001-L063000 – Mixed Pre Ban Assembled Rifles and Pre-Sept 94 Lowers (Call to verify)
L063001 and Up – Post Ban

Century International Arms

Lower marked CIA. All are Post-Ban. Made with Olympic Arms Receivers under contract.

Bushmaster Pre Ban Serial Number Date

Colt Firearms

CC001616 and Below – Pre-Ban
CH019500 and Below – Pre-Ban
GC018500 and Below – Pre-Ban
LH011326 and Below – Pre-Ban
MH086020 and Below – Pre-Ban
NL004800 and Below – Pre-Ban
SL027246 and Below – Pre-Ban
SP360200 and Below – Pre-Ban
1963 SP00001-SP00023**
1964 SP00101
1965 SP02501
1966 SP05600
1967 SP08250
1968 SP10750
1969 SP14000-SP14653
1970 SP15001-SP15473
1971 SP16001
1972 SP19401
1973 SP24201
1974 SP32601
1975 SP43801
1976 SP55301
1977 SP67651
1978 SP83400
ST038100 and Below – Pre-Ban
TA10100 and Below – Pre-Ban
BD000134 and Below – Pre-Ban (AR-15A3 Tactical Carbine – very rare model)
MT00001 and Above – Post-Ban
BK000001and Above – Post Ban (CAR-A3)
CST000001 and Above – Post-Ban (Began Late 1997 Production)
CMH000001 and Above – Post Ban
CCH010000 and Above – Post Ban MT6700, MT6700C and MT6700CH series, 1998 production


All are POST ban. Cast 356-T6 Aluminum, hardcoat anodized per mil-spec A-8625


Below 10300 – Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles.
Some or all lowers are cast. Black in color. Some lowers are Stainless Steel.

Eagle Arms

Now called ArmaLite. They will not give out a list, but will look up on an individual basis. Lower receiver serial numbers DO NOT begin with EA.

Essential Arms

All are Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles as they went out of business in 1993. (DPMS bought them prior to the Ban) Call DPMS Lower receiver serial numbers begin with EA. Some or all lowers are cast. Light gray coloring. It is rumored that Ruger investment casted the lowers for Essential Arms.

Frankford Arsenal

All are Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles. As rumor has it, Olympic Arms produced the lowers for Frankford Arsenal Call Olympic Arms and then Frankford assembled the weapon. A2 configuration lower. Frankford Arsenal went out of business in 1987. (Info from RudolphoS@aol.com)

Hesse Arms

All AR-15’s are post ban. Manufacturing began late 1997/early 1998.

J.L.M & Sons*

SC001 thru SC250 are Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles. All others are post ban.

Knights Armament Co. aka KAC

All AR-15’s are post ban, very few AR-10’s are pre-ban. No further info at this time.

Military Manufacturing (M2)

All were military/law enforcement only. Full auto lowers were standard, semi were optional. Lowers were machined form raw bar stock with improvements incorporated – 18deg magazine angle and square magazine release.


See “Sendra” below.

Olympic Arms (Continued)

4-numbers only – very very old. Probably machined from bar stock.
1-letter and 4# – older receiver, but forgings. (Some are newer, POST ban castings – call to verify.)
2-letters & 4# – most receivers follow this pattern.
2#, 2 letters, 4# – the first two #’s are year of manufacture of the lower.
2 letters, 6# (separated 2 & 4 – e.g. SA 96 0000) – first 2 #’s are year of manufacture.
“ICR” marked lowers are an European customer’s overrun, has an unused additional hole – all ICR lowers are post ban.

Olympic Arms Manufacturer’s Notes:

  1. There were some odd variations and some custom serial numbers mixed in thru the years also. And, some receivers manufactured after the ban have the year stamp after the model name, not in the serial #. and if you don’t see a year stamp on the receiver, it is not necessarily pre-ban.
  2. Serial numbers that end in “D” were duplicates and one was changed using this letter.
  3. Recently some serial numbers have left with one or two letters followed by FIVE numbers. The last numbers are either 5’s or 0’s. 99.9% of these are post-ban.
  4. “Older” does not always mean pre-ban as per Corey Sattler.
  5. “BL” serial number series lowers are transitional with some pre and some post ban. If you have a “BL” you’ll have to call to verify for certain.

Professional Ordinance

All are post ban (including all of the pistols).


35222 and Below – Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles (Note:Some lowers are cast not forged. Out of business) Post-ban have a year prefix in the serial number. Rumored to have only sold lowers.

Rocky Mountain Arms

Producer of AR-15 type pistols.


Post-ban receivers have a circle milled into the side of the magwell. They were originally bead-blasted to a non-glare finish. All others are pre-ban. (This is unverified info…) Also, they used to be NESARD. Rumored to have been owned by Dick Drasen (currently M&A Parts) and produced lowers only out of Barrington, Illinois. No complete guns were sold (again, unverified info).

Colt Carbine R6521

Colt Carbine R6521 – Is a rare Colt of which only a few hundred were made for export purposes. They are not marked Sporter, AR-15 or SP1. These are the only Colt AR15 type weapons allowed to be transferred among Connecticut citizens

- AR15.Com

Olympic Arms PreBan AR-15 Lower receiver manufactured before the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. 1994 with serial numbers UK, and BS.

Pre Ban AR15 Lower, 3 M4 AR15 AR-15 Preban 20rd mag clip. 223 5.56. 1: 0: Colt SP1 AR-15. 223 Pre Ban 5 digit serial AR15. 1: 8: 1,304.80.

Year: Serial Number Range: Pre Ban: Post Ban: 1963: SP00001-SP00023 X: 1964: SP00101: X: 1965: SP02501: X: 1966: SP05600: X: 1967: SP08250: X: 1968.

AR 15, Armalite ar-15, Colt AR 15, AR 15 serial numbers, ar 15 accessories, Quick AR 15 Facts: The AR 15 Serial Numbers over 30,000 was the Pre-Ban cut.

Ar-15 pre ban serial numbers is an intuitive tool that can help you take all kinds of screen shots for personal and professional use.

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colt ar-15 pre ban serial number for Mac has a dated, albeit colt ar-15 pre ban serial number interface, but Google s announcement to end support for Reader makes its utility questionable.

RSS feeds provide users with the ability to easily follow Web news sources. One of the most popular RSS feed readers is Google s Reader program. colt ar-15 pre ban serial number for Mac is a freeware RSS reader that works exclusively with Google s program. After the installation completes, the application opens to a rather basic but colt ar-15 pre ban serial number menu. The menu does lack any graphics akin to modern programs, but its buttons and options are easily identified. After taking the user s Google sign-in information, the application displays the feeds in a large window. The left side contains subfolders to restrict the stories by category, which is a welcome feature on an RSS reader application. The program does function well, but brings up little text from the linked story. However, the application s exclusive link to Google Reader is unfortunate since Google recently announced it will end Reader later this year--meaning the application will not be usable in the near future.

2010-2015 takefreesoftwarehere.us.

All AR-15 s are post ban, it is not necessarily pre-ban. 2. Serial numbers that end in D Out of business Post-ban have a year prefix in the serial number.

This list is correct to the best of my knowledge, however, I

accept absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or

for the consequences and/or damages occurring from any inaccuracies. I

have compiled this list for the purposes of sharing information only. This

is not intended to be used in any way except for personal entertainment.

It is a compilation of both personal information and information submitted



that it is a felony to possess a Post-Ban newly assembled after Sept 13,

If any information presented here is found to be incorrect or you have

additional information to contribute, please contact me via E-Mail

hkusp40 midmaine.com and I will update and re-issue the list.

All items marked with a single asterisk are taken from

The year/serial numbers under Colt SP series was forwarded to me by an individual whose return address I

no longer have. Double asterisk under Bushmaster, a person on the


internet e-mailed me that he had a lower that was shipped stripped thus

not a complete rifle in 1991 from Bushmaster with serial 0327XX - ALWAYS

No information - Apparently machined from bar stock aluminum, lowers are marked as M-15.

American Spirit Arms Formerly Sun Valley Traders

ALL lowers are Post-Ban. Began introduction of lowers and rifles in mid/late 1998.

Noted as having good fit finish. Also, reported to be manufactured by Lewis Machine Tool.

Slightly over S/N 30,000 was the Pre-Ban cut-off, call to verify.

Some Eagle lowers below the 30,000 range were determined to be POST ban by BATF - call to verify

Armalite sells Eagle lowers, but sells factory complete rifles with Armalite lowers.

Made stainless steel lowers, rumored to have also made AR-15 pistols. Lower marked

M16-SA. This is NOT verifiable info as it came from the Internet. Out of Business.

Below L051000 - Assembled Pre-Ban Rifles and some pre-94 lowers.

L051001-L063000 - Mixed Pre-Ban Assembled Rifles and Pre-Sept 94 Lowers Call to verify

Lower marked CIA. All are Post-Ban. Made with Olympic Arms Receivers under contract.

BD000134 and Below - Pre-Ban AR-15A3 Tactical Carbine - very rare model

BK000001and Above - Post Ban CAR-A3

CST000001 and Above - Post-Ban Began Late 1997 Production

CMH000001 and Above - Post Ban

CCH010000 and Above - Post Ban MT6700, MT6700C and MT6700CH series, 1998 production

All are POST ban. Cast 356-T6 Aluminum, hardcoat anodized per mil-spec A-8625

Some or all lowers are cast. Black in color. Some lowers are Stainless Steel.

Now called ArmaLite. They will not give out a list, but will

look up on an individual basis. Lower receiver serial numbers DO NOT begin with EA.

All are Pre-Ban as they went out of business in 1993. DPMS bought them prior to the Ban

Call DPMS Lower receiver serial numbers begin with EA. Some or all lowers are cast.

Light gray coloring. It is rumored that Ruger investment casted the lowers for Essential Arms.

All are pre-ban. As rumor has it, Olympic Arms produced

the lowers for Frankford Arsenal

Call Olympic Arms and then Frankford assembled the weapon. A2

configuration lower. Frankford Arsenal went out of business in 1987. Info from RudolphoS aol.com

All AR-15 s are post ban. Manufacturing began late 1997/early 1998.

SC001 thru SC250 are Pre-Ban. All others are post ban.

All AR-15 s are post ban, very few AR-10 s are pre-ban. No further info at this time.

Military Manufacturing M2 FAX 702-263-7875

All were military/law enforcement only. Full auto lowers were standard,

semi were optional. Lowers were machined form raw bar stock with

improvements incorporated - 18deg magazine angle and square mag

4-numbers only - very very old. Probably machined from bar stock.

1-letter and 4 - older receiver, but forgings. Some are newer, POST ban castings - call to verify.

2-letters 4 - most receivers follow this pattern.

2, 2 letters, 4 - the first two s are year of manufacture of the lower.

2 letters, 6 separated 2 4 - e.g. SA 96 0000 - first 2 s are year of manufacture.

ICR marked lowers are an European customer s overrun, has an unused additional hole - all ICR lowers are post ban.

Olympic Arms Manufacturer s Notes:

1. There were some odd variations and some custom serial numbers mixed in

thru the years also. And, some receivers manufactured after the ban

have the year stamp after the model name, not in the serial . And if

you don t see a year stamp on the receiver, it is not necessarily pre-ban.

2. Serial numbers that end in D were duplicates and one was changed

3. Recently some serial numbers have left with one or two letters followed

by FIVE numbers. The last numbers are either 5 s or 0 s. 99.9 of these

4. Older does not always mean pre-ban as per Corey Sattler.

5. BL serial number series lowers are transitional with some pre and


some post ban. If you have a BL you ll have to call to verify for

All are post ban including all of the pistols.

35222 and Below - Pre-Ban Note:Some lowers are cast not forged. Out of business

Post-ban have a year prefix in the serial number. Rumored to have only sold lowers.

Producer of AR-15 type pistols.

Post-ban receivers have a circle milled into the side of the magwell.

Bushmaster Serial Number Bfi

They were originally bead-blasted to a non-glare finish. All others are

pre-ban. This is unverified info Also, they used to be NESARD. Rumored

to have been owned by Dick Drasen currently M A Parts and produced

lowers only out of Barrington, Illinois. No complete guns were sold again,

Bushmaster Xm15 Serial Number Date

Colt ar-15 pre ban serial number is a well-made, free app that allows skiers and snowboarders to keep track of the conditions on their favorite mountains.

COLT AR-15 PREBAN HBAR MATCH SPORTER for sale in category Guns Rifles Colt Military/Tactical Rifles offered by Joe Holme 977331474 COLT AR-15 Pre-Ban.

Bushmaster Serial Number Search

AR-15 Serial Numbers Pre- And Post-Ban Or, how to work on and buy AR rifles without getting yourself in trouble by: Patrick Sweeney, Northwest Gunsmithing.